

Our projects’ current focus lies on Tichakunda, a school with orphanage in a slum in Harare, Zimbabwe. Everybody working there does so without receiving any pay. Some have been doing so for more than 10 years. 

Please read more about Tichakunda at  www.tichakunda.org. Until the founding of 4BetterLife e.V., all the projects detailed below have been implemented by private initiative.


Extension of the preschool kitchen’s rocketstove (planned 2017)

Mattresses for napping (planned 2016)

Rocketstove for the orphans (planned 2016)

Payment of school fees (2015)

Übernahme von Schulgebühren

Support for sowing (2015)

Finishing of two bedrooms (2015)

Rocketstove and kitchen equipment (2015)

Support for sowing (2013)

Finishing of the dining room (2013)

Start of construction of kitchen and toilets (2012)

Finishing of four classrooms (2012)

Continuation of building the shell for the four classrooms (2011)

Foundation for four classrooms (2010)